Sunday, June 26, 2005

Red Moon Crisis(In Malay)

Hari ni dah masuk hari kedua aku nampak Bulan Warna Merah(Red Moon) muncul kat langit. Pada hari pertama(semalam) aku nampak Red Moon masa aku nak pi makan kat 'Ali kapak'. Masa makan kat sana aku jumpa la sarip(Surv), padeli(Nashh), Amar ngan beberapa orang yang aku tak kenal nama diaorang. Masa tu aku dah nampak Red Moon kat langit dan rasa agak pelik. Apalagi, lepas jer siap makan, aku terus pulang ke rumah ambik camera(manual pakai kodak) kesayangan aku pastu memecut ke bandar Kuala Lipis nak ambik gambar. Sesampai kat kawasan bandar, firstly aku naik ke pejabat JKR Lipis sebelah balai polis cadang nak ambik beberapa keping tapi takut. Pastu aku pi la pulak Alamanda(Kot salah eja kot, sorry) dan ambik beberapa keping(Tak tau la jadi ke tak) gambar Red Moon. Pas aku ambik beberapa keping(harap jadi la gambar tu), aku terus naik minum kat kedai makan kat atas. Petang semalam jugak aku ada terserempat ngan benda yang agak ajaib. Tapi yang tu aku cerita nanti bila ada masa.
Yang aku perasan la kat Red Moon ni ialah perjalanan bulan nak keliling bumi ni ambik masa yang agak panjang dari biasa. Tak tau la betul ke tak tapi itu yang aku rasa.

Friday, June 24, 2005

D3 Ranking EP.1

This is just a ranking that I made of what comic that I Love to read in 'KREKO' and 'ARENA KOMIK' now. But, as you all know, interest between human are different from one another. So, just want to say that this is my own ranking and don't take it personally.

-Top 5 Favorite -
1.Eye Shield 21
2.Preety Face

3.Kyo Samurai Deeper
4.Hikaru No Go
5.Midori No Hibi

-Best To Read-
Death Note
Sakura Wars
Shaman King
FullMetal Alchemist
Tsubasa Reservior Chronicle
Battle Angel Alita
Marchen Awakens Romance
Kisah Ahli Bomba
DN Angel
Prince Of Tennis

-Okay To Read-
Saint Seiya
Alkimi Senjata

P/S: I read the not so favorite ones first than lastly the most favorite ones.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

My True Elements


Your element is Air:
Carefree, lovable, fun and childish. Arent you cute! Your just full of childhood spunk and happiness! Hey who said being young was a bad thing? You have a keen understanding of whats good in life and choose to remain happy rather than get too upset over things. Life is fun, who wants to be troubled by grown-up problems? Being as capable of love as you are you will make a wonderful parent if and when you choose to grow up. Love is a mystery because you only want friends not love interests, games are better than relationships with the opposite sex. You have what everyone is searching for, that so called 'fountain of youth' deep inside. You can come across as naive and childish at times. But who cares what they think, lets go play tag!

.:-What is your true element?-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla

Kejadian di satu hari kat Bandar Seremban.(In Malay.)

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Masa aku stadi kat Kolej Matrikulasi kat Kuala Pilah dulu, aku banyak buat menda-menda yang pelik. Contohnya, ambik gambo orang secara spontan(tak bagitau), pegi bando naik teksi balik jalan kaki, etc(aku cuma ingat 2 tu jo). Aku buat mende-mende tu sesuke je.
Pada hari minggu, aku selalu gak keluor bandar Pilah nu buat kejo aku sendiri macam beli buku, gunting rambut etc. Aku ada gak pi bandar Seremban nu tapi cuma 2 kali jo la. Pasal jauh ngan tak banyak kedai yang aku berani masuk, tu yang aku cuma pi 2 kali jo. Ada la satu hari tu kawan aku kat sana ajak pi ke Seremban. Aku lak masa tu takde kejo nak buat jadi ikut jo la. Perjalanan ke Seremban ambik masa 30 minit lebih kurang. Kitaorang pun jejalan la kat bandar Seremban nu dengan kawan aku ni yang jadi guide tunjuk jalan. Kitaorang pi kompleks beli belah yang agak jauh dari pondok bas sambil beli-belah kat sana.Dah siap kerja, kitaorang pun balik ke kolej naik bas.
Kali kedua aku pi seremban secara solo sebab aku dah agak biasa ngan tempat tu. masa aku jejalan sesorang, aku pun temui satu kejadian kedai terbakar kat sana. memula dari jauh terdengar ada orang jerit "Woi, ada kedai terbakar la." dari jauh nampak asap keluar dari kedai tersebut. Aku pun pi dekat ngan tempat nu dan aku ambik gambar satu.
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Kendian aku pi lak belah belakang dan nampak ada sorang ahli bomba kat atas bangunan tengah nak padam api. Ada la beberapa orang kat situ yang ambik gambar gak macam aku(nak jual kat surat khabar kot). Aku pun apa lagi, ambik lagi satu gambar.
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Lepas beberapa minit berlalu, api pun reda dan ahli bomba tu pun keluar ambik angin sebab penat.
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Secara tetiba jer, ada letupan berlaku ngan api tetiba keluar dari bangunan belah belakang tu. Semua orang terkejut sakan ngan apa yang terjadi dan orang ramai kembali panik. Aku yang tak suka kepanikan orang lain lantas cabut dari tempat kejadian dan terus pi ke kompleks beli belah. Tak sampai 100 meter aku jalan, aku pusing belakang dan ambik gambar-gambar ni.
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Aku pun jalan terus dan tak lama lepas tu sekali lagi aku pandang belakang dan nampak asap warna hitam keluar dari situ. Makin lama makin banyak yang keluar. Aku tau masa tu dah teruk sangat kedai tu terbakar.
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Lantas dengan harapan yang orang kat sana takde apa-apa, aku terus jalan ke kompleks beli-belah dan beli sikit barang. Tak lama lepas tu aku pun balik la ke pondok bas sebab aku nak balik ke kolej. Masa dalam perjalanan tu aku singgah balik kat tempat kejadian tu. Aku nampak api dah padam dan dari luar aku nampak yang ini.
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Itu yang aku nampak masa tu. Tak tau la apa yang dah jadi lepas aku balik kolej sebab aku tak pernah datang situ lagi. Apa yang jadi pas tu menjadi satu misteri buat aku hingga kini atau hingga ada orang yang bagitau aku.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Something has happen...

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1) My pc broke down.
For the last two days I can’t do my work with my pc coz it is broke down. My master hard drive has an error that can’t start the OS. Maybe after I help a friend doing his work using my pc that I broke my hd. After this I swear that I will never help him again in any way regarding my pc. Luckily, all my metadata (in the slave hd) was not gone or I will gone mad. All my work, Anime, comic, Music, Games, etc. Can’t think what will happen if that happen.

2) Name search.
Here is a shock for me. When I search the word 'deetree' using google or yahoo, the result was more then 1500 names. I cant belive my eyes. But not that entire site is regarding me. Only a few that has my own interest on. The other entire website is not mine to get interest.

3) A lousy food.
Tonight is maybe the worst night ever. I have eaten a food that I think is worst than I have ever tasted. 'Nasi Lemak' at one of the stalls in Kuala Lipis. That was supposed to be my dinner for tonight. Actually, the rice is okay, but the 'sambal' is way off course. I can’t think that I will ever eat 'Nasi Lemak' at that stall again. Actually, I am a choosy person when it comes to foods and drinks. When I feel something is not right about a food or drink, I rarely ate them. So, what do I do with the 'Nasi Lemak'? Well, in the end, I just only ate the rice with some fried egg. I leave the 'sambal' unfinished. Hey, it cost me RM1.50 a 'Nasi Lemak' there.
P/S: The words in '###' is in Malay.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Achieve 1000

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Take Note: Before you read this, please take notice that this is just some stupid idea from someone who has many thought and ideas. It has nothing to do with the life or the dead. Not all that is being display here is a real fact and you are advise to make your own revision before making any conclusion and take in everything that is being shown here.

Dear diary.

How can people live up to more than 100 years? As anyone know, normally people only to the average of 60 or maybe less, and still decreasing. Over the years, people search and search for a way that can make human live longer. Still, the answer has not been found.

Like I said before, human can only live up to 60. But an unknown researcher stated that a normal human can actually live up to 1000 years. But, like any researcher that stated something extreme, he has been called a mad person. After a few years of research, he has finally unlocked the key to 1000 years of life. But as his research is still a few blocks from completing the puzzle, he dies in his 60's. And like any researcher who likes to be alone, no one is there to complete his theory and research. And his name has been erased from time.

In his research, he has stated that "In the way that need to be given, a path of way need to be open for a life of a thousand years. Only one key is needed to live a thousand, and the rest can just be replaced". And in the other line stated "Human can only catch a few years but can never reach a thousand because the work and the cost is too much. If you have the will to try it don't cause the consequences is messing in the god way. And the curse will hunt you eternally."

So what is the answer anyway? Well, as it turns out to be and has been ever since, the answer is the human brain. I wont go to the details but he has stated that a human brain can actually stay in its shape for more than 1000 years if it is been taking care properly. Without any damage to the brain, humans can achieve 1000 years.

There are a few assumptions that he made. The first assumption is “A brain cannot be replaced like other part in our body”. So, he thinks that if he could preserve the brain in the right way, a thousand is easy to achieve. The second assumption is ”If the brain dies, a person will die as well”. It is because the brain controls everything that is happening in our body. Also, the brain stores knowledge, information, memory, etc. Without a brain, no one will live because all living thing need a brain to live.

His last statement stated “Human greed and ambitions can reach to an unthinkable stage and this is where I don’t want to share my knowledge with anyone even the ones that is close to me. I am scare of what might happen if I share this part of knowledge. Everything I know might as just gone with my name to the grave.”

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Bedroom story

I've already finish rearanging my bedroom to its so call perfect in the eyes. a lot of work I have been doing in order to do it. all my comics have been arange properly, The stuff that I dont want I just throw it in the dustbin (a lot of paper(rubish) involve), the book I dont read I stuff it in one closet, and a bed has been put in there. Oh yeah, it is actually a storeroom for my comic books and other reading material with a closet.The stuff that I hate about this room is that I just put 'mahjong' paper on the wall to hide its ugliness. Well, in the process of the bedroom look as it is right now, I have to rearange the 'citizen' that has been there for more than 2 years. So, when I pull out the biggest off them all (which is actually an old closet that one of my relative gave me), I saw a lot of 'black spot' due to the 'wooden back + water leakage + the timeline it has been there'. Huh. tired after a long hard work.
After a few weeks, I put my pc in this room. So now that I have the pc, I can do a lot more work with it than before. Before this, this pc is in my brother bedroom but for not to disturb him at night when I do my own work, I remove it from his room to this room.

Friday, June 03, 2005

R.I.P. and Farewell

On 1st June, one of my close friends father die. Sadly it is for her that she has lost the most important person for her. Just hope that she will stay well and continue to live happily with her family.

-From heart to soul-
Death is absolute,
Running will be futile,
The world we live in will surely die
But our memories still remain,
It will not be depart,
From the heart that we care.
Sadness, Regret, Happy, Joy,
Love and Hate, Hope and Despair,
All the feelings will not leave our mind,
All the memories will not fade trough time.
The World can say anything,
But the memories, will still be in me,
For the rest of my life.

May you Rest In Peace and standing in the gods hand with calm and prosperity.


Well, May 31st is my birthday. I usually don't celebrate my own birthday so I rarely aspect any present/gift. What a sad me (isk isk...).OK, the sad part is over.

Today is the launching of this blog. Hurray for me coz this blog is finally finished as it should have. A little late but still, it's okay. He he he...I am just a newbie that doesn't know anything and ready to upgrade myself.

So, what on earth(normally people use the phrase 'what the hell' for this one but since I never been there, yet, so I prefer this phrase, don’t want to go there also) did a newbie like I am sitting in front of a computer and suddenly create this blog? Like I have anything to say/tell everyone about myself and what I do in the past recent days of my life. Maybe I better play games with this pc of mine and just let my free time gone with the wind. Well, the real thing is that I just wanted to try something that I never did before. This blog is the first to come in mind. And also I want to share what is happening in my mind, what I think of this world, question that anyone rarely ask, some ideas, etc. Maybe some of my idea of thinking is too extreme for anyone who has a normal brain but this is what I am.

Well, so much for me that has nothing in the first place.