Monday, June 13, 2005

Achieve 1000

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Take Note: Before you read this, please take notice that this is just some stupid idea from someone who has many thought and ideas. It has nothing to do with the life or the dead. Not all that is being display here is a real fact and you are advise to make your own revision before making any conclusion and take in everything that is being shown here.

Dear diary.

How can people live up to more than 100 years? As anyone know, normally people only to the average of 60 or maybe less, and still decreasing. Over the years, people search and search for a way that can make human live longer. Still, the answer has not been found.

Like I said before, human can only live up to 60. But an unknown researcher stated that a normal human can actually live up to 1000 years. But, like any researcher that stated something extreme, he has been called a mad person. After a few years of research, he has finally unlocked the key to 1000 years of life. But as his research is still a few blocks from completing the puzzle, he dies in his 60's. And like any researcher who likes to be alone, no one is there to complete his theory and research. And his name has been erased from time.

In his research, he has stated that "In the way that need to be given, a path of way need to be open for a life of a thousand years. Only one key is needed to live a thousand, and the rest can just be replaced". And in the other line stated "Human can only catch a few years but can never reach a thousand because the work and the cost is too much. If you have the will to try it don't cause the consequences is messing in the god way. And the curse will hunt you eternally."

So what is the answer anyway? Well, as it turns out to be and has been ever since, the answer is the human brain. I wont go to the details but he has stated that a human brain can actually stay in its shape for more than 1000 years if it is been taking care properly. Without any damage to the brain, humans can achieve 1000 years.

There are a few assumptions that he made. The first assumption is “A brain cannot be replaced like other part in our body”. So, he thinks that if he could preserve the brain in the right way, a thousand is easy to achieve. The second assumption is ”If the brain dies, a person will die as well”. It is because the brain controls everything that is happening in our body. Also, the brain stores knowledge, information, memory, etc. Without a brain, no one will live because all living thing need a brain to live.

His last statement stated “Human greed and ambitions can reach to an unthinkable stage and this is where I don’t want to share my knowledge with anyone even the ones that is close to me. I am scare of what might happen if I share this part of knowledge. Everything I know might as just gone with my name to the grave.”

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