Sunday, April 09, 2006

Smoking is not...

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When will a person considered as a smoker? According to "The Oxford Study Dictionary", a smoker is someone or a person who smokes tobacco as a habit.

Like everyone know, and they neglect them, smoking can cause a lot of damage to the smoker own self. A piece of cigarrette (in MALAYSIA alone) has not more than 20mg TAR and 1.5mg NIKOTINA (that is the guidelines, I guest). That means a lot of damage will go to the lungs because all smoker (actually) inhale (what I try to mean is 'suck in') the smoke with the air they breath through the mouth.

Healthy smoking. Is it posibble? Do you think there is such an act as 'Healthy smoking'? Maybe a doctor or a scientist should do something to make this possible. So the next time they smoke, they will feel the same result as smoking a cigarrette right now but less the damage later.

If you wanted to start smoking, I suggest that you just forget about it. Firstly, it is harmfull to yourself. 2nd, you actually have to pull out some amount of money just to smoke. A normal smoker smoke around 1 piece every 2 hours. While a hard smoker can get up to 1 piece every 2 minute. And the lowest price you could find for a cigarette is RM 3 for 20 piece. I think that has the lowest quality ever. I ask a friend of mine about it and he said "Tak best langsung";meaning it is worst. Forgot to tell you, he is a smoker.

I know that try to leave smoking can be a lot of burden. It is the second hardest thing than to leave drug addict. But if your will is strong, you can do anything. Here are a few tips to slowly quit smoking. Drink a lot of water. Chew something like a chewing gum or something. Try not to inhale the smoke but just keep it in your mouth then blow. The thing is that you try. But don't stop straight away cause it will do much more damage that way than stop slowly.


Anonymous said...

Yeah........i was a smoker....but luckily i managed to stop after i saw how my best friend suffered from lung cancer. Finally he left me alone in this world.

Anonymous said...

Hey, i forgot to mention.....Not all gurls like the thought that their boyfriend is a smoker... So, better watch out guys:p

DeeTree said...

Wow, that is sad that your friend suffered from lung cancer. To tell you the truth, there are some girls who smokes.

Anonymous said...

'my friend' is my dad. He's my best friend ever! Yeah.....u're rite bout dat.