Wednesday, December 28, 2005
DIA, the one.
Who is 'DIA' that I have been talk about?? I really hope that she doesn't know about my blog and read this peice of crap. Really.
Here is some hint, if you were wondering who 'DIA' is. She is a she (meaning a girl). She is younger than me, 5 years I think, or 6. And as I told you before, 'DIA' is not her real name. I just made that name up when I speak to Ucu on the phone about her. Just like kmx use Bidadari as his angel in heart. She is one of the many relative that I have in this world.
Actually I never tell anyone about my secret(I am good at keeping secret especially about myself and others too). I just kept it all to myself. What I think, what I feel. And I rarely talk to anyone so openly about myself.
Maybe I should just quit before I start making myself silly. If only Ucu know what I did to her. She might just hate me for that.
For some, I am a good person but I did not think I am. And this is one of the reason.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
na na na na
Well, a new banner for the festive seasons. I hope that I can do more than this.
Last week I saw something amazing. This event happens when I, kmx, and Mael were out eating at Rapi stall. At about 7.30 pm I saw a stroke of light for about two second or so in the sky. Maybe it is just a comet or something but the amazing thing is that the night is full of clouds. And you can’t see any stars at all. Could it be a comet or something else? I don’t know. On that night also Mael told us about his dreams that he had recently. He told us that he has an amazing dream. In his dreams, he saw the sun, followed by the complete duration of the moon and a shiny castle at the end. He also saw a group of rainbows like forming a dragon shape line. Lastly, he said to us that it would be amazing if he could draw it. Yeah, that would be amazing thing to watch. (I am so sorry if I left out any detail about his dreams or I add up a little stuff in it.)
Well, today (December 11) has been the day that Fadzilah get married. Finally, she is more beautiful than ever. As the saying goes, the woman who is married is the most beautiful person that day. Last time that I met her, she is beautiful. That is about 1 month ago at the night market. Huhhh. But really, her make-up is not as preety as I tought it would be. I hope that I will meet someone that I want to meet. Someone that is special in my heart. Hopefully she comes to celebrate the event. But my hope is gone cause she is not there. Ouch.
Like I said before, I have some hope and dreams. Firstly, I hope that I have the two anime that I want; Pokemon the 3rd Movie and YugiOh the movie. And I have it. Second is to install firefox at my PC. Well, this has to wait because I heard that it cause more spyware and addware than Internet Explorer, so this have to wait. Third is to install or should I say subscribe to Streamix. This also have to wait because lack of cash. Fourth is to buy Felix AF3 CD. I think that I will skip this one out because I don’t think that I really need it. My fifth hope is to meet Kak Ucu and I really don’t know when I will meet her. Last but not least, I hope that I have the courage to tell 'DIA'(not a real name) that I am so sorry for the things that I do in the past. Until now I am scare to speak to 'DIA' and I can’t think what 'DIA' will think of me now.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
InTiMaTed by Shock
Finally after a long search (KL, Kuantan, Jengka, Jerantut, Lipis) I have finally found the one thing that I have been searching for. 'Pokemon the Movie 3'. Oh Yeah Baby. Sorry, got so excited. So now, I have almost all of the pokemon movie that is ever sold. From 1 to 7.
I know that X'mas will come soon. So from my deepest of my heart, I would like to say merry X'mas to all of you who celebrate it. Sadly, Santa won't be coming to my house this year coz I don't have a chimney for Santa to come in and I am old(over 18) and I cannot get any present. Actually, I don’t celebrate X’Mas.
A friend call me last night asking wheater I will be sad if she die. At first, I just keep quiet, thinking what I would say to her. Finally I say that I will be sad. But this is what I did not say to her: "I will not cry not because I am a man, but because I am me." And I know from her that most of her friend hate me for what I did to her. Well, because I made her sad, yada yada and so on. And right now she has a lot of problem with her family and I don't want to make her more sad than she has ever suffer.
I know that X'mas will come soon. So from my deepest of my heart, I would like to say merry X'mas to all of you who celebrate it. Sadly, Santa won't be coming to my house this year coz I don't have a chimney for Santa to come in and I am old(over 18) and I cannot get any present. Actually, I don’t celebrate X’Mas.
A friend call me last night asking wheater I will be sad if she die. At first, I just keep quiet, thinking what I would say to her. Finally I say that I will be sad. But this is what I did not say to her: "I will not cry not because I am a man, but because I am me." And I know from her that most of her friend hate me for what I did to her. Well, because I made her sad, yada yada and so on. And right now she has a lot of problem with her family and I don't want to make her more sad than she has ever suffer.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
After a few.......
Long time no write. It has been a long weekend and I really hate doing the same stuff each day.
In the past week, I bought the Anime 'YUGI OH THE MOVIE' and I love it. It has more action than I ever hope for. I won’t going to review anything about it coz my review sucks. But it is a great movie. I give it 7 out of 10. For the entire YUGI OH fan, this anime is a must.
Happy wedding day to Nor Khari Izardi bin Ismail and Fadzilah bt. Abdul Manan that will be held on December 11 2005 at No. 45, Rumah Banjir Penjom, 27200 Kuala Lipis, Pahang Darul Makmur and also on December 18 2005 at Kampung Kuala Kenong, 27200 Kuala Lipis, Pahang Darul Makmur. May you both live happily ever after.
Right now I love to watch 'The Protectors; Animal Precinct' at channel 51 on Astro. It is about a group of law enforcer regarding animal or pets that need saving. It is really sad to see animals being treated with abuse by the owner.
I just bought cassette 'Best of Felix susah-susah aje'. Actually I want to buy his CD but there are none in stock at that time. But it is still a good bargain. There are three song that I REALLY love in that cassette.
I also bought cd 'Chandramuki'. I know it is a Tamil movie but I really hoping to watch it. I like to see the hero in action. But sadly, I have to return it to the shop because it has no subtitle and I can’t understand anything that the actors say and what the storyline is. It really saddens me up.
This is 'My Own Ringtone' that I use (and still use). It is for Nokia hp only. I know that it doesn’t sound good but I love it. And it has its own meaning.
4b1 4b1 4b1 4b1 8a1 8a1 8a1 4- 8a1 8e1 8e1 8a1 8a1 8a1 4- 8a1 8a1 8e1 8e1 8- 8b1 8g1 8g1 8g1 8e1 8e1 8d1 4b1 4b1 4b1 4b1 8e1 8e1 8- 8f1 8f1 8e1 8e1 8g1 8g1 8g1 8b1 8- 8a1 8e1 8e1
Tempo: 112BPM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Apa Apa Aja
HDD XTerNal 2.5" BlueGhost
Aku Baru jer beli HDD XTerNal 2.5" 6GB Dengan Harga RM135. Aku rasa Aku memang ada guna ngan hdd ni.
Sebab aku beli HDD XTerNal 2.5":
1)Harga dier yang murah
-Dari thumbdrive 1GB ngan harga RM4++, Tak tahan aku.
2)Space lebih besar (6GB WOOOOO!!!!) dan maknanyer banyak file leh save.
3)Cool+Sleek Casing
4)Portable. Senang nak bawak mana-mana
Aku Rasa agak rugi jugak beli menda ni.
1)Aku boleh dapat HDD Internal 20GB untuk PC aku ngan harga tambah sket jer.
2)Dan tambah sket lagi duit boleh beli casing untuk buat HDD XTerNal.
3)Kalu kena curi, aku yang kesian.
4)Cuma boleh detect kat certain komputer jer. Aku dah try kat tempat kmx tapi tak dapat detect langsung.
Practical Almost Over
Aku baru jer habih practical kat kedai John(Sebelum Raya). Sekarang ni aku nak siapkan menda yang aku nak buat presentation minggu depan kat kolej. Tapi aku tak stat pun lagi. Lepas present (Dan aku harap la aku lulus), Aku harap dapat rehat kat rumah sekejap Masterkan sket........
Hopes and Dreams
1)Dapat cari anime(Aku selalu sebut 'A-Nime' bukan 'A-Ni-Me') yang aku nak
-Pokemon the 3rd Movie
-YugiOh punyer movie
2)Install 'Musang Berapi' kat PC aku
3)Sewa Streamix kat Rumah
4)Dapat beli cd Felix
5)Dapat Jumpa Kak UCu(Ntah bila la nak jumpa dier ni ya?)
6)Dapat courage nak mintak maaf kat 'DIA'.
Panggilan Kak/Akak dari aku untuk budak pompuan.
Aku biasa panggil budak perempuan kat kolej aku sebagai kakak(bagi yang aku tak tahu nama). Tak pernah aku panggil diaorang adik walaupun diaorang ada yang lebih muda dari aku. Sebab aku tak biasa nak panggil orang ngan gelaran adik. Dalam keluarga aku tak pernah pun aku panggil adik perempuan aku adik. Sebab gelaran dia 'Kak ***'. Adik sedara aku pun guna gelaran 'Kakak'.
Lagu yang aku minat
Mawi-Aduh Saliha (Konsert akhir AF3) Sahaja
Porno Graffiti - Melissa (Anime FMA)
Seki Toshihiko, Hirata Hiroaki, Hoshi Souichiro - Blow Winds (Anime Saiyuki)
Suara Tomoyo - Yoru no uta (anime CCS)
Suara Tomoyo - Tomo E (anime CCS)
X-Japan - Endless Rain
Arashi - Kimi no Tame ni Boku ga Iru
End Theme Song anime Kurochan
Lagu Felix AF3
Teen Titan Theme By Larry (Japanese)
Penny Dai Pei Ni - Ni Yao De Ai
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Aku buat ni masa dulu-dulu. Aku buat pun spontan je. Tapi sekarang ni aku tak buat dah sebab:
1- Aku tak naik dah beskal sebab aku bawak moto.
2- Aku takut dah nak buat menda ni.
Memula brek tu mesti dalam keadaan baik. Kalau tak susah nak jadi dan untuk keselamatan sendiri gak. Pakai kasut yang elok. Lagi banyak bunga kat tapak yang tak haus lagi bagus.
Macam yang aku cakap aku buat ni secara tak sengaja. Spontan la katakan. 2 kali dan jadi. Secara tak sengaja. Masa pertama tu masa aku tak dapat nak brek sebab turun bukit laju sangat. Kat depan lak ada pagar dan junction kearah kiri je. Yang kedua kali aku dah nak langgar belakang kereta kat jalan rata. Macam biasa aku bawak laju dan hampir-hampir tak dapat nak kawal basikal nak langgar belakang kereta. Jadi dengan spontannyer aku cuba la cara ni. Dengan tak percaya nya jadi aku buat menda ni.
1-Kaki kanan atas pedal
2-pedal kiri kat belakang kaki kiri
3-kaki kiri letak atas jalan cuba tahan(brek) basikal
4-tekan dua-dua brek depan dan belakang
5-handel pulak pusing ke kiri
6-Kalau jadi tayar belakang akan terangkat ke arah kaki kanan
7-lepas dua-dua brek
8-terus betulkan kedudukan handel basikal kearah betul.
Tapi ada 2 kelemahan kat teknik ni. Satu Tapak kasut cepat haus. Dua Takut ada kereta datang dari arah depan sebab basikal akan menghala ke arah kereta datang dari depan. Tapi aku tak tau teknik ni boleh ke tak guna kat jalan simen. Sebab licin.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Suppose to be.
Aku tak tau apa yang dah jadi kat kotak yang ada orang suruh jaga ntah bila aku dah lupa. Macam ni ceritanya. Satu hari tu aku tengah dalam perjajanan nak balik kampung(naik keretapi). Dari Kuala Lipis ke kampung aku ambik masa 30 minit jer. Sebab lama sangat aku tunggu aku pun ambik keputusan baca komik yang aku beli kat kedai buku kat medan stesen (aku dah lupa tajuk buku tu). Tak lama aku baca buku tu tetiba jer ada sorang pompuan (lawa gak dia) datang sapa aku masa aku tengah baca buku tu.
Sikit jer yang aku boleh ingat pasal akak sorang ni. Dia rambut hitam panjang, masa tu dia tengah pakai seluar jeans warna biru. Tu jer yang aku ingat. Tapi yang pasti dia seorang yang lawa kat mata pandangan aku. Tak seksi tapi lawa. Tu jer yang aku dapat cakap.
"Boleh akak tinggal kotak ni kat sini kejap?"tanya dia sambil dia letak kotak tu kat sebelah aku.
"Lama tak? Sebab saya tunggu keretapi ni."aku tanya balik.
"Tak lama. Kejap jer sebab akak ada hal kat 'Jaya' (Nama lama pasaraya kat centrepoint)."
"Ok. Tapi saya tunggu sampai keretapi sampai jer."
"Takpe. Nanti akak datang balik. Terima kasih ye?"
Lepas tu dia pun pi ke arah Centrepoint dan terus hilang dari pandangan. Maka aku pun apa lagi, terus sambung balik baca komik sambil tunggu keretapi sampai. Lepas aku habih baca satu komik tu, aku fikir lak "Mana akak ni, kata kejap jer? Ah, biar la.". Aku bukak lak buku kedua dan terus baca. Tak lama lepas tu keretapi pun sampai tapi akak yang kata nak datang tu tak datang pun. Maka ngan aku dah janji yang aku jaga kotak tu sampai keretapi datang ngan keretapi tu cuma tunggu 5 minit jer, aku pun naik la keretapi tu. Sebelum keretapi tu berlepas, aku pandang sekali lagi kotak tu. Tetap kat situ gak. Akak sorang tu tak jugak datang-datang nak ambik balik kotak tu. Dan, akhirnya keretapi tu pun berlepas dan aku pun bertolak la ke kampung halaman aku.
Sampai sekarang aku tak tau samaada kotak tu dah diambil ke belum dan apa isi kotak tu.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Somewhere I don't belong
Well, it has been a long time since I write anything in this place.
So, like any other time in my life, I rarely do anything great in life. Just playing my own cord of life without bothering about others.
Well, this is a shock to me. Malaysia ASTRO maybe will not aired TEEN TITANS until the fourth season. I get this feeling when I explore the guide for October issue. I hope that will not happen coz I would like to see what will happen after the second season (after TERRA been turn into stone). But luckly, October Toon-O-Scop is Raven,(after OMI) one of my fav character in Teen Titans.
OK, now for something that I had in mind. Again about MAWI. The song 'Aduh Saliha' has become dull since it is sang in the final of AF Konsert. Really dull if I must say so myself. I like the final ones better than the new ones coz it has a strenght in it. I dont know, is it just me or someone else feel the same thing. But for me, I have to say it is really dull.
He he he......
Kat sini ada serangkap pantun yang aku bagi masa kat kolej aku ada buat pertandingan pantun untuk kelab diaorang. Ni pun dah 2 tahun lepas aku bagi kat sorang konteston tu. Sebenarnya aku jual pantun ni masa sebelum diaorang umumkan pemenang. masa tunggu keputusan tu (diaorang boring kot takde apa yang diaorang nak buat) diaorang bagila penonton jual pantun kat peserta. Jadi ngan takut-takut beraninya aku pun jual la pantun ni:
Dua Tiga Kucing Berlari,
Kejar Tikus Bersama-sama,(rangkap ni aku tak ingat)
Dari Mata Turun Ke Hati,
Dari Hati Ke Mana Pula?
Style baby.
So, like any other time in my life, I rarely do anything great in life. Just playing my own cord of life without bothering about others.
Well, this is a shock to me. Malaysia ASTRO maybe will not aired TEEN TITANS until the fourth season. I get this feeling when I explore the guide for October issue. I hope that will not happen coz I would like to see what will happen after the second season (after TERRA been turn into stone). But luckly, October Toon-O-Scop is Raven,(after OMI) one of my fav character in Teen Titans.
OK, now for something that I had in mind. Again about MAWI. The song 'Aduh Saliha' has become dull since it is sang in the final of AF Konsert. Really dull if I must say so myself. I like the final ones better than the new ones coz it has a strenght in it. I dont know, is it just me or someone else feel the same thing. But for me, I have to say it is really dull.
He he he......
Kat sini ada serangkap pantun yang aku bagi masa kat kolej aku ada buat pertandingan pantun untuk kelab diaorang. Ni pun dah 2 tahun lepas aku bagi kat sorang konteston tu. Sebenarnya aku jual pantun ni masa sebelum diaorang umumkan pemenang. masa tunggu keputusan tu (diaorang boring kot takde apa yang diaorang nak buat) diaorang bagila penonton jual pantun kat peserta. Jadi ngan takut-takut beraninya aku pun jual la pantun ni:
Dua Tiga Kucing Berlari,
Kejar Tikus Bersama-sama,(rangkap ni aku tak ingat)
Dari Mata Turun Ke Hati,
Dari Hati Ke Mana Pula?
Style baby.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Kid 5192
For those who watch Teen Titans Thursday maybe have heard the theme for the day has been sang by a quite a voice. I think it is the voice of Larry, Robin DNA partner from another dimension. When I heard that song for the first time, I feel like laughing coz it is quite funny. He He He.
Today, Han has come back to work at John's. He has been gone for almost a month now due to studies matters.
Okay, about Independence Day that has ended on August 31st. Well, I heard a lot of complaint about it. First of all, why on earth did the time teller counted 1 to 10, not 10 to 1? Secondly, there are some fireworks that don’t blow in the sky. The type of fireworks that I talk about is a type of fireworks that fly up to the sky and explode to make a beautiful flower (??) when it is blow in the sky.
An all new Teen Titans on Cartoon Network. With Terra in the side of Slade, it will be a great story to see. I can't wait to see it. What will happen next?
There are a lot of things happen to me in the past. A few years back, me, kmx and a few friends were resting/sitting/'lay-park' on a hill to do something I can't remember what. Well, to tell you the truth, the hill were a place that has a water tank on it. It is the hill where I used to live. When kmx looked at the sky, he saw a group of star that shape like a scorpion. There are also the light in the sky. It is not the rainbow but a light; A group of light that shape like an oval. I really don't know how to say this but it is one of the strangest thing that I have seen in my life.
Today, Han has come back to work at John's. He has been gone for almost a month now due to studies matters.
Okay, about Independence Day that has ended on August 31st. Well, I heard a lot of complaint about it. First of all, why on earth did the time teller counted 1 to 10, not 10 to 1? Secondly, there are some fireworks that don’t blow in the sky. The type of fireworks that I talk about is a type of fireworks that fly up to the sky and explode to make a beautiful flower (??) when it is blow in the sky.
An all new Teen Titans on Cartoon Network. With Terra in the side of Slade, it will be a great story to see. I can't wait to see it. What will happen next?
There are a lot of things happen to me in the past. A few years back, me, kmx and a few friends were resting/sitting/'lay-park' on a hill to do something I can't remember what. Well, to tell you the truth, the hill were a place that has a water tank on it. It is the hill where I used to live. When kmx looked at the sky, he saw a group of star that shape like a scorpion. There are also the light in the sky. It is not the rainbow but a light; A group of light that shape like an oval. I really don't know how to say this but it is one of the strangest thing that I have seen in my life.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
So Many Days Left
Dalam minggu ni aku pelik gak pasal apa ada lagu Mawi slalu kluar kat graviti. Akhirnya terjawab gak persoalan aku tu. Rupanya kaset Mawi dah kuar kat pasaran. Benda ni aku perasan sebab aku terjumpa kaset mawi kat dalam keta mak aku(mak aku beli kot atau pinjam adik aku punya).
Ni aku nak rephrasekan balik yang aku kata pasal konsert kat dewan jubli tu. Aku ada cakap yang "1st part of this peice of pie is full of magots". Yang aku maksudkan bukanlah kumpulan pertama yang buat persembahan hari tu but a few of the group yang memula buat persembahan.
Skang ni aku kat kedai kmx tengah update blog ni. he he he. NI pun sebab aku ikut park in lay ngan diaorang semua. tu yang dapat buat kat kedai dier. Skang ni dier tengah nengok Tanya Linda yang ada pasal MAWI FC yang aku cakap dulu.
Ni aku nak rephrasekan balik yang aku kata pasal konsert kat dewan jubli tu. Aku ada cakap yang "1st part of this peice of pie is full of magots". Yang aku maksudkan bukanlah kumpulan pertama yang buat persembahan hari tu but a few of the group yang memula buat persembahan.
Skang ni aku kat kedai kmx tengah update blog ni. he he he. NI pun sebab aku ikut park in lay ngan diaorang semua. tu yang dapat buat kat kedai dier. Skang ni dier tengah nengok Tanya Linda yang ada pasal MAWI FC yang aku cakap dulu.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Tirai Terutap
Dah lama dah tak update blog ni. Lebih dari seminggu. Sekarang ni aku rasa tak dapat nak update selalu blog ni sebab aku jarang bukak internet kat rumah hatta lagi gi ke cc. Banyak gak la mende yang jadi masa aku tak atas tarikh blog ni. This are a few.
Minggu ni banyak hujan hujan yang melanda kat bandar Lipis ni terutamanya belah pepetang nak ke malam. Ni salah dua sebab aku tak tulih menda menda ni lama, takut kilat.
Baru-baru ni(ahad 21) ada pertadingan kat 'dewan jubli perak'. Aku rasa kmx dah tulih memacam dah kat blog dier tentang menda ni, tak puas hatinyer dier masa tu. Untuk pengetahuan korang dier adalah salah sorang dari belasan yang masuk tanding tak dapat ke peringkat seterusnyer. Ada group yang power, ada group yang ntah hapa, macam macam lagi. Jadi sebab aku tak nak komen banyak, aku biar jer dier yang buat cite. But ni aku nak komen sket. 1st part of this peice of pie is full of magots. Banyak error, sound tak balance, etc. Bagi aku yang nonton menda ni, perasaan tak puas hati tu ada la gak. Sebenarnyer, aku lebih senang duduk kat rumah hari tu sambil nonton tv dan tido sebab aku agak letih. Tapi, aku pi la gak nonton menda tu. Jadi lepas habih je 'The life and times of juniper lee' kat 'Cartoon network' aku pun terus la bersiap nak pi sana. Semasa aku kat sana, banyak gak band yang best kat telinga aku. Macam satu band dari Jengka tu. Ntah, aku dah lupa nama dieorang punya kumpulan. Yang lain tu macam aku bagitau banyak error, suara out, etc. Not all of them la. Some, only a few of them.
Akhirnyer AF musim 3 dah habih dalam sejarah. Dan semua orang tau yang Mawi bolot banyak masa tu (adilkah?). Ye la, aku tak kesah pun pasal die student AF yang buat rekod (no. 1 dari episod 1 hingga akhir) tapi aku tak rasa pun dier tu spesel, biasa jer. macam orang biasa. Sama ada aku sorang jer rasa atupun ada orang lain yang rasa aku tak tau la. Dari 1st week hingga sebelum lagu saliha tu suara dia low. aku tak rasa apa apa pun yang menarik pasal vokal dier. Tapi lagu akhir dier memang best. Dari segi vokal, aku rasa felix lagi best. Tu aku rasa laa.
Lagi satu accident. kali ni depan kedai Pak Teh kat SKWI. Ntah macam mana ntah menda ni jadi. Masa aku nak balik dari kedai pakteh terus aku terlihat 2 keping sandals dekat tengah jalan, basikal rosak (bmx aku rasa) dua orang tua melayu tengah cakap sesuatu dan sorang anak india duduk kat tepi jalan sambil tunduk dan tangan kat atas kepala sambil ditemani oleh sorang lagi anak india. Ntah apa yang jadi masa tu pun aku tak tau tapi kalu aku ada camera masa tu aku dah ambik keping gambar.
Ni satu lagi. Masa lepas abih pertandingan kat dewan tu, aku, kmx dan ahli kumpulan dier pi makan kat kerpan walk. Kat situ la cakap cakap pasal pertandingan tu dijalankan dan aku jadi tukang dengar laa. Kat tengah tengah cakap tu dengan tidak semena mena beberapa orang tua bangsa cina gelak gelak sambil menunjuk kearah moto aku. Aku pun mula risau. Sorang ahli kumpulan kmx pun risau sebab keta dier pun terletak di arah yang sama. Kena apa ke, keta calar ke. Aku ingatkan apa, rupanya nombor plat aku sama ngan nombor moto sorang lagi orang cina yang baru lalu. 'Nombor ni naik ni' kata salah sorang kawan cina tersebut sambil gelak. Cadang nak beli nombor la tu. Ntah la.
Minggu ni banyak hujan hujan yang melanda kat bandar Lipis ni terutamanya belah pepetang nak ke malam. Ni salah dua sebab aku tak tulih menda menda ni lama, takut kilat.
Baru-baru ni(ahad 21) ada pertadingan kat 'dewan jubli perak'. Aku rasa kmx dah tulih memacam dah kat blog dier tentang menda ni, tak puas hatinyer dier masa tu. Untuk pengetahuan korang dier adalah salah sorang dari belasan yang masuk tanding tak dapat ke peringkat seterusnyer. Ada group yang power, ada group yang ntah hapa, macam macam lagi. Jadi sebab aku tak nak komen banyak, aku biar jer dier yang buat cite. But ni aku nak komen sket. 1st part of this peice of pie is full of magots. Banyak error, sound tak balance, etc. Bagi aku yang nonton menda ni, perasaan tak puas hati tu ada la gak. Sebenarnyer, aku lebih senang duduk kat rumah hari tu sambil nonton tv dan tido sebab aku agak letih. Tapi, aku pi la gak nonton menda tu. Jadi lepas habih je 'The life and times of juniper lee' kat 'Cartoon network' aku pun terus la bersiap nak pi sana. Semasa aku kat sana, banyak gak band yang best kat telinga aku. Macam satu band dari Jengka tu. Ntah, aku dah lupa nama dieorang punya kumpulan. Yang lain tu macam aku bagitau banyak error, suara out, etc. Not all of them la. Some, only a few of them.
Akhirnyer AF musim 3 dah habih dalam sejarah. Dan semua orang tau yang Mawi bolot banyak masa tu (adilkah?). Ye la, aku tak kesah pun pasal die student AF yang buat rekod (no. 1 dari episod 1 hingga akhir) tapi aku tak rasa pun dier tu spesel, biasa jer. macam orang biasa. Sama ada aku sorang jer rasa atupun ada orang lain yang rasa aku tak tau la. Dari 1st week hingga sebelum lagu saliha tu suara dia low. aku tak rasa apa apa pun yang menarik pasal vokal dier. Tapi lagu akhir dier memang best. Dari segi vokal, aku rasa felix lagi best. Tu aku rasa laa.
Lagi satu accident. kali ni depan kedai Pak Teh kat SKWI. Ntah macam mana ntah menda ni jadi. Masa aku nak balik dari kedai pakteh terus aku terlihat 2 keping sandals dekat tengah jalan, basikal rosak (bmx aku rasa) dua orang tua melayu tengah cakap sesuatu dan sorang anak india duduk kat tepi jalan sambil tunduk dan tangan kat atas kepala sambil ditemani oleh sorang lagi anak india. Ntah apa yang jadi masa tu pun aku tak tau tapi kalu aku ada camera masa tu aku dah ambik keping gambar.
Ni satu lagi. Masa lepas abih pertandingan kat dewan tu, aku, kmx dan ahli kumpulan dier pi makan kat kerpan walk. Kat situ la cakap cakap pasal pertandingan tu dijalankan dan aku jadi tukang dengar laa. Kat tengah tengah cakap tu dengan tidak semena mena beberapa orang tua bangsa cina gelak gelak sambil menunjuk kearah moto aku. Aku pun mula risau. Sorang ahli kumpulan kmx pun risau sebab keta dier pun terletak di arah yang sama. Kena apa ke, keta calar ke. Aku ingatkan apa, rupanya nombor plat aku sama ngan nombor moto sorang lagi orang cina yang baru lalu. 'Nombor ni naik ni' kata salah sorang kawan cina tersebut sambil gelak. Cadang nak beli nombor la tu. Ntah la.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Green in a mile
Tak banyak yang berlaku dalam seminnggu ni. Kerja, balik rumah tido, makan, etc. Tapi yang agak besar ialah kejadian small flood kat jalan cheneras ke stesen petronas. Air tu naik setinggi setengah kereta proton saga. Ntah la, ada longkang tersumbat kot?? Lagi satu, selama tiga hari takde air sebab masalah kat loji air. Dengar kata ada ikan mati la, ada orang tuba la, dan lagi teruk, ada sisa toksid dari kilang yang mengalir dalam loji tu. Ntah la, mana satu yang betul.
Ni la yang aku selalu buat setiap hari kecuali ahad.
7.00 am: tengok tv ch15
8.28 am: pegi keje + makan kat bandar
8.50 am: masuk keje
Tengahari: Rehat sejam. Masa rehat tak tentu.
6.30 pm: balik rumah
9.30pm: Tengok Teen Titans kat ch62.
Aku tau la yang Teen Titans tu ada 3 kali sehari sekarang ni. Pukul 7am, 5pm dan 9.30pm. Dan ia cuma ulangan siaran yang lepas. Tapi takpe la, dapat nonton dari mula. Dan hari ahad ni ada katun baru kat ch62 kul 9.30am dan ulangan 5.30pm. Sama masa ngan Gundam Wing kat tv2. The Life and Times of Juniper Lee. Tak sabar nak nonton. Kalu best nonton lagi.
Ni la yang aku selalu buat setiap hari kecuali ahad.
7.00 am: tengok tv ch15
8.28 am: pegi keje + makan kat bandar
8.50 am: masuk keje
Tengahari: Rehat sejam. Masa rehat tak tentu.
6.30 pm: balik rumah
9.30pm: Tengok Teen Titans kat ch62.
Aku tau la yang Teen Titans tu ada 3 kali sehari sekarang ni. Pukul 7am, 5pm dan 9.30pm. Dan ia cuma ulangan siaran yang lepas. Tapi takpe la, dapat nonton dari mula. Dan hari ahad ni ada katun baru kat ch62 kul 9.30am dan ulangan 5.30pm. Sama masa ngan Gundam Wing kat tv2. The Life and Times of Juniper Lee. Tak sabar nak nonton. Kalu best nonton lagi.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
In The Eyes...
Sudah lama aku tak bukak internet ni. Kalu tak silap dah dekat seminggu aku tak bukak internet. Bukannyer apa, aku agak letih sebab esoknyer kena bangun pepagi.
Baru tadi aku nampak ada forum pasal MAWIFC kat astro ch4. Lebih kurang pukul 10.30 mlm tadi laa. Bagi peminat MAWI tu yang ketinggalan, ntah la ada ulangan ke tak siaran tu. Kalu takde, melepas laa korang. Hee hee hee. Tu pun mak aku yang alih sebab adik pompuan aku call dier.
For all off you out there, keluarga aku langsung tak tau pasal aku buat blog ni. Buat apa nak heboh2 pasal menda2 macam ni kat family. Rasanyer takde kesan pun kat aku. Aku lak malas nak campur urusan orang lain.
Aku baru jer baca blog kawan aku masa kat matrix tu. Well, now she is back in UPSI and I Hope that her life is happy there and excel in her stadi.
Aku tak tau la samada korang semua tau pasal AFh yang akan dibuat oleh beberapa blogers kat sini bercerita pasal AF3 now. Apa yang diaorang rasa pasal AF3, etc. Yang aku tau, ada 3 orang yang planning nak buat menda ni. Well, teruskan sokongan korang untuk yang korang minat.
Something yang baut aku suka hari ni. EUGENE dapat gold medal. Bagi peminat RAW, sesapa yang nonton tadi pasti akan tau apa yang aku cakapkan ni. Dalam 3 minit match yang dianjurkan oleh Kurt Angel. Apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk menang ialah bertahan 3 minit masa lawan KA untuk menang Gold Medal Olimpik milik KA. Dan selepas 3 minggu(rasanyerla) EUGENE MENANG. Yay.... Tapi aku tak tau la apa dah jadi sebab mak aku tukar siaran yang ada MAWIFC punya forum.
Setiap malam akan terdengar diari AF kat tv sebab mak aku nengokcite tu.
Note to self:"Aku adalah aku. Kalu aku jadi orang lain, aku akan mati."
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Matre dun
ITNet yang slow
Hari ni connection internet kat rumah aku sangat slow. 9.6k je max. Sangat slow. Ntah kenapa ntah. Tu yang aku hangin tu. tapi takpa laa. asalkan dapat buat kerja yang satu ni okey jer laa. Macam Felix AF3 cakap, "Susah-susah jer"
Lost Trasure return
Aku baru jer jumpa lost treasure aku yang hilang sejak tahun lepas. lama gak aku cari menda ni. baru now aku jumpa. Ia adalah koleksi cds yang ada cite yang aku minat(kot?). Sebenarnya satu jer tapi boleh laa. Yang lain tu pun agaknyer macam best. Kawan aku mungkin minat yang lain sebab dia dah tengok dulu, kalu dier ingat.
Selesema attack.
Selama 2 hari ni aku kene selesema. Teruk gak aku feel the pain. Tapi sekarang ni dah baik sket laa. Walaupun sekarang ni sket2 jer lagi nak baik tapi okey laa. Boleh buat keje but kene buang laa selesema tu. Ntah pasal apa aku pekena selesema ni.
Angry bout:
-Arena komik tak ikut time keluar(kat tempat aku)
-Banyak komik yang aku suka tak keluar kat Bandar Lipis
-Connection lembab
-My Flu
-Tiap petang mesti hujan
-Connection lembab
-Connection lembab
Hari ni connection internet kat rumah aku sangat slow. 9.6k je max. Sangat slow. Ntah kenapa ntah. Tu yang aku hangin tu. tapi takpa laa. asalkan dapat buat kerja yang satu ni okey jer laa. Macam Felix AF3 cakap, "Susah-susah jer"
Lost Trasure return
Aku baru jer jumpa lost treasure aku yang hilang sejak tahun lepas. lama gak aku cari menda ni. baru now aku jumpa. Ia adalah koleksi cds yang ada cite yang aku minat(kot?). Sebenarnya satu jer tapi boleh laa. Yang lain tu pun agaknyer macam best. Kawan aku mungkin minat yang lain sebab dia dah tengok dulu, kalu dier ingat.
Selesema attack.
Selama 2 hari ni aku kene selesema. Teruk gak aku feel the pain. Tapi sekarang ni dah baik sket laa. Walaupun sekarang ni sket2 jer lagi nak baik tapi okey laa. Boleh buat keje but kene buang laa selesema tu. Ntah pasal apa aku pekena selesema ni.
Angry bout:
-Arena komik tak ikut time keluar(kat tempat aku)
-Banyak komik yang aku suka tak keluar kat Bandar Lipis
-Connection lembab
-My Flu
-Tiap petang mesti hujan
-Connection lembab
-Connection lembab
Monday, July 18, 2005
Teen Titans Theme Song
English Teen Titans Opening Theme
When there's trouble you know who to call
Teen Titans
From their tower, they can see it all
Teen Titans
When there's evil on the attack
You can rest knowing they got your back
Cuz when the world needs heroes on patrol
Teen Titans GO!
With their superpowers they unite
Teen Titans
Never met a villain that they liked
Teen Titans
They've got the bad guys on the run
They never stop till the job gets done
Cuz when the world is losin' all control
Teen Titans GO!
Teen Titans GO!
If your heart is black you better watch out
You cannot escape the team
When they catch you there won't be any doubt
You've been beaten by the teens
Japanese Teen Titans Opening Theme
kyoumo koutsu rule wo mamoru yo.(TEENTITANS!)
suki kirai naku nandemo taberuyo.(TEENTITANS!)
dgishin(jishin?) kaminari kaji oyaji.
kokugo sansu rika shakai.
kowaimon wa nanimo nai.
o'okina ko'e de yonde okure yo.
onayami hanbun kaiketsu sichaw yo.
papa no schedule controll.
mama no tai'dju controll.
negau no wa nanimo na'i.
samishi'i tokya itsu demo bokura ga iru yo.
ai to heiwa hakobu yo bokura ga itsumo.
kyoumo koutsu rule wo mamoru yo.(TEENTITANS!)
suki kirai naku nandemo taberuyo.(TEENTITANS!)
dgishin(jishin?) kaminari kaji oyaji.
kokugo sansu rika shakai.kowaimon wa nanimo nai.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Tono Tono
This is just a pre-review about an anime that I just like to watch on cartoon network. Start on every weekday at 5.00pm and 8.30pm, this anime is one of the best anime that I just watch on Cartoon Network.
Okay. I know it's a little late for me to say anything about this anime. It's better late than never right??
Teen Titans. Made out of 5 teenagers with special skills, they will try their best to save the day. Each of them has their own special skills.
Talking about the opening song, it is a dual version opening song. There are sometimes a Japanese version is on the air, but sometimes the English version is up. I really like the Japanese version opening song the most because it is catchier to the ears. Of course the English version is also good to hear but I still love the Japanese one.
About the characters; Robin (b), Cyborg (b), Starfire (g), Raven (g) and Beastboy (b). Robin, as everyone knows is from the epic of batman. Without any super power, he is the only normal TT member in this anime. I really don’t know about the other 4 member. Like Raven, she has the power to control the darkness. Starfire can shot fire form both hand. Beastboy has the ability to transform into animal. Lastly Cyborg is like his name is half human half machine that has a plasma blaster on his hand. Only Starfire and Raven can fly. Beastboy can also fly but that is when he changes into a bird.
The TT headquarter is a big letter 'T' building with high-tech device inside. And it is easy to spot. It is on an island outside the town.
Rank: 4 out of 5. Recommended to all group of ages.
Kemalangan kat Jalan Jelai
Ni jadi masa aku dalam perjalanan lepas hantar barang masa time kerja. Masa tu aku dalam perjalanan nak balik pejabat. Kejadian berlaku pada 14 May 2005. Dalam perjalanan aku nak balik pejabat, dengan tak semena-mena aku ternampaksebuah van terlanggar motosikal. Masa tu mungkin moto tu tak nampak signal masuk kiri sebab nak parking (this is a one way street) dan memotong ikut kiri. Apalagi, Gedegang la van tu rempuh moto tu. Aku masa tu tak nampak la van tu bagi signal ke tak sebab aku duduk kat 'blind spot' masa kejadian tu terjadi. Nasib baik takde kematian kat sana. Van tu hanya ada minor damage but the motoris in a quite a bad shape. Rasanyer gear dier rosak sebab masa aku tolong alih moto tu, terasa susah sangat nak tolak. Dan aku cuba 'N' kan pun tak leh nak gerak.
About the victim, pamandu van tak cedera langsung but yang bawak moto tu aku nampak cedera ringan(ntah sebab aku tak ikut dier ke hospital).
Aku yang pelupa.
Dalam minggu ni aku dah tiga kali lupa nak pakai helmet dalam bandar. Nasib baik tak kena cekup dek polis (sebab takde polis). Yang paling jauh aku lupa nak pakai helmet ialah dari Centrepoint ke Alamanda. Nasib baik gak laa. Kalu tak, saman la jawabnyer.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
-Just For Fun-
New Banner, New Color, Style lama
Selepas beberapa minggu aku guna 'Dance of Art -Flame-' sebagai banner, kini aku guna pulak banner yang baru lak. Benda ni tak baru sebenarnya. Dah setahun umur banner ni.
Yang ni pun aku buat sendiri. Macam 'Dance of Art -Flame-' gak, aku mula dari scrap. Aku pun agak suka melukis menda2 yang lain sket. Dulu aku lukis gambar kucing tapi dah buang. Aku lebih senang sketch je. Sebab aku tak reti melukis (subjek lukisan for PMR cuma D jer), aku lebih cenderung kepada sketching dari drawing.
Proses nak buat bentuk ni lagi lama dari 'Dance of Art -Flame-' sebab aku lukis dulu kat kertas putih kendian edit jadi lawa sket dan masukkan warna.
Pasal warna background lak, aku pilih yang tak sakit mata memandang. Senang pandang, tak sakit la mata tu. Dan lagi senang nak baca. He he he.
A Little about Myself
Pasal aku tak suka letak gambar aku kat blog aku sendiri? Aku ada letak dulu tapi yang dah edit jadi buruk laa. Aku ni seorang yang agak tak suka bercakap ngan orang, tapi suka bertanya. Aku suka buat kerja aku sendiri, tak suka nyusahkan orang. Suka baca komik, nonton anime, main game, etc. Aku gak suka ngambil gambar tapi tak suka sangat diambil gambar. Paling phobia kat anjing. Maybe I have an accident regarding dogs in my childhood. So, whenever I see a dog, I would just try to get away from it or bring a long wooden stick with me so I can beat the life of that dog if it tries to attack me(dulu). Sekarang ni tak dah.
The Darkness Within
Aku ni bukannya orang yang baik seperti yang orang lain sangkakan. Setiap orang ada past yang diaorang nak lupa tapi takleh lupa. Aku pun ada salah satu Shadow yang ada dalam hati aku yang aku takleh nak lupa hingga aku akan rasa aku ni jahat sangat. Memang buruk pun kelakuan aku dulu. Aku admit it and I still can't say I am sorry to that person.
8 dah keluar(patutnya)
Kumprinx patut dah lancarkan versi no 8 untuk blog dier. Lawa memang lawa. Aku dah usha kat pejabat dier. So, The best is yet to come from him and still coming. Great work.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
After One Week
Selama satu minggu aku tak buka internet kat rumah dan selama itulah aku tak pernah main internet. Bukan tak nak main tapi aku agak letih. Ni pun lega sebab esok hari ahad. Tu la aku dapat update sket blog ni.
Starting today, aku akan buat blog aku ni dalam bahasa Malaysia. Rojak jer. English tu kekadang jer laa. Aku dapati aku lebih senang mengarut/bercerita ngan lebih mudah sebab takyah aku nak pikir apa-apa pasal formality. Pakai redah jer tulih. Ayat pun datang dari hati aku yang tulus.
Ni yang nak tulih pepanjang sket ni. Dalam seminggu ni, aku agak sibuk sebelah siang. malam lak letih. Apa yang aku buat?? Tunggu jer laa nanti. Back to the topic. Dalam minggu ni, banyak betul hal yang berlaku. sebenarnyer dua jer yang terbesar. Yang lain tu tak la penting sangat.
1)Yang paling penting,ASTRO dah sampai rumah.
Pada hari rabu nan lepas, rumah aku baru jer pasang ASTRO. Hurray kat diri aku sendiri. Dapat laa aku layan cerita yang aku suka. The reason yang bebetulnyer ialah mak aku nak tengok AF3 jer. Tu la yang dia pasang ASTRO tu. Sket jer subscribe channel kat ASTRO. Jadi tak payah la dia nak bayar banyak.
2)Pasal sorang kawan aku yang marah kat aku.
Ni cerita pasal kawan aku yang aku masih contact masa belajar kat kuala pilah dulu. Setahu aku cuma dia ni sorang jer yang aku contact ngan dier contact aku balik. Jadi dia ni salah sorang fren yang aku kenal laa. Sebab dia ni marah sangat kat aku ialah sebab aku dah lama tak call dier tahun ni (masa aku tengah stadi).
3)Buku sampai awal.
Buku yang aku tempah selama setahun tu sampai awal dari tarikh keluar dia kat pasaran. Gumbiranyer aku tak terkata. buku yang aku maksudkan ialah W.I.T.C.H. issue 19. Ni pun tak habih baca lagi buku ni. Sebab dah habih setahun, aku terpaksalah buat tempahan baru nanti selama setahun. Tapi nasib baik la dapat murah sket dari harga asal. He he he.
4)Pelik Tapi Heran aku pasal Motor.
Ni aku rasa hampir semua orang buat. Orang tak pernah guna brek tangan masa nak pelan kan motor. Selalu nyer banyak orang hanya guna brek kaki tak kira nak berhenti ataupun slow kan moto diaorang. Langsung tak pernah nak guna brek tangan. Habih apa gunanya brek tangan yang ada kat moto tu? Hanya show off jer tanpa kegunaan langsung.
5)Aku dah lama tak lepak malam ngan frens.
Ni cite betul. aku memang dah lama lepak belah malam. Atas beberapa sebab yang aku tahu laa. 1stly, aku jarang contact dier. 2nd, dier sibuk ngan kedai printing dier ngan nak tolong mak jaga kedai. 3rd, aku letih belah malam ngan aku selalu tidur awal. Pukul 12.30 dah tidur sebab aku nak bangun awal keesokan paginyer. Aku selalu main internet kat rumah belah malam dekat2 pukul 1.30 lebih.
6)Important no 2, aku dah keje kat Jon.
Ni mak aku yang rekemen kat aku minggu lepas. Dier kata Jon nak mintak tolong kat aku jaga kedai dier ngan buat keje sket. 1st2 tu aku tak minat sangat. Tapi ok gak. Tapi yang sedihnyer aku tak dapat lagi nak nonton cartoon hari sabtu pagi. Buat masa ni aku buat keje backstage jer, jadi aku jarang ada kat belah depan. Dan aku tak pernah bagitau kat sesapa pun yang aku keje kat jon kecuali kat Am sebab dier nampak aku keluar dari kedai Jon.
Buat sesapa yang terasa dalam minggu ni, aku mintak maap kat korang
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Red Moon Crisis(In Malay)
Hari ni dah masuk hari kedua aku nampak Bulan Warna Merah(Red Moon) muncul kat langit. Pada hari pertama(semalam) aku nampak Red Moon masa aku nak pi makan kat 'Ali kapak'. Masa makan kat sana aku jumpa la sarip(Surv), padeli(Nashh), Amar ngan beberapa orang yang aku tak kenal nama diaorang. Masa tu aku dah nampak Red Moon kat langit dan rasa agak pelik. Apalagi, lepas jer siap makan, aku terus pulang ke rumah ambik camera(manual pakai kodak) kesayangan aku pastu memecut ke bandar Kuala Lipis nak ambik gambar. Sesampai kat kawasan bandar, firstly aku naik ke pejabat JKR Lipis sebelah balai polis cadang nak ambik beberapa keping tapi takut. Pastu aku pi la pulak Alamanda(Kot salah eja kot, sorry) dan ambik beberapa keping(Tak tau la jadi ke tak) gambar Red Moon. Pas aku ambik beberapa keping(harap jadi la gambar tu), aku terus naik minum kat kedai makan kat atas. Petang semalam jugak aku ada terserempat ngan benda yang agak ajaib. Tapi yang tu aku cerita nanti bila ada masa.
Yang aku perasan la kat Red Moon ni ialah perjalanan bulan nak keliling bumi ni ambik masa yang agak panjang dari biasa. Tak tau la betul ke tak tapi itu yang aku rasa.
Yang aku perasan la kat Red Moon ni ialah perjalanan bulan nak keliling bumi ni ambik masa yang agak panjang dari biasa. Tak tau la betul ke tak tapi itu yang aku rasa.
Friday, June 24, 2005
D3 Ranking EP.1
This is just a ranking that I made of what comic that I Love to read in 'KREKO' and 'ARENA KOMIK' now. But, as you all know, interest between human are different from one another. So, just want to say that this is my own ranking and don't take it personally.
-Top 5 Favorite -
1.Eye Shield 21
2.Preety Face
3.Kyo Samurai Deeper
4.Hikaru No Go
5.Midori No Hibi
-Best To Read-
Death Note
Sakura Wars
Shaman King
FullMetal Alchemist
Tsubasa Reservior Chronicle
Battle Angel Alita
Marchen Awakens Romance
Kisah Ahli Bomba
DN Angel
Prince Of Tennis
-Okay To Read-
Saint Seiya
Alkimi Senjata
P/S: I read the not so favorite ones first than lastly the most favorite ones.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
My True Elements
Your element is Air:
Carefree, lovable, fun and childish. Arent you cute! Your just full of childhood spunk and happiness! Hey who said being young was a bad thing? You have a keen understanding of whats good in life and choose to remain happy rather than get too upset over things. Life is fun, who wants to be troubled by grown-up problems? Being as capable of love as you are you will make a wonderful parent if and when you choose to grow up. Love is a mystery because you only want friends not love interests, games are better than relationships with the opposite sex. You have what everyone is searching for, that so called 'fountain of youth' deep inside. You can come across as naive and childish at times. But who cares what they think, lets go play tag!
.:-What is your true element?-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla
Kejadian di satu hari kat Bandar Seremban.(In Malay.)
Masa aku stadi kat Kolej Matrikulasi kat Kuala Pilah dulu, aku banyak buat menda-menda yang pelik. Contohnya, ambik gambo orang secara spontan(tak bagitau), pegi bando naik teksi balik jalan kaki, etc(aku cuma ingat 2 tu jo). Aku buat mende-mende tu sesuke je.
Pada hari minggu, aku selalu gak keluor bandar Pilah nu buat kejo aku sendiri macam beli buku, gunting rambut etc. Aku ada gak pi bandar Seremban nu tapi cuma 2 kali jo la. Pasal jauh ngan tak banyak kedai yang aku berani masuk, tu yang aku cuma pi 2 kali jo. Ada la satu hari tu kawan aku kat sana ajak pi ke Seremban. Aku lak masa tu takde kejo nak buat jadi ikut jo la. Perjalanan ke Seremban ambik masa 30 minit lebih kurang. Kitaorang pun jejalan la kat bandar Seremban nu dengan kawan aku ni yang jadi guide tunjuk jalan. Kitaorang pi kompleks beli belah yang agak jauh dari pondok bas sambil beli-belah kat sana.Dah siap kerja, kitaorang pun balik ke kolej naik bas.
Kali kedua aku pi seremban secara solo sebab aku dah agak biasa ngan tempat tu. masa aku jejalan sesorang, aku pun temui satu kejadian kedai terbakar kat sana. memula dari jauh terdengar ada orang jerit "Woi, ada kedai terbakar la." dari jauh nampak asap keluar dari kedai tersebut. Aku pun pi dekat ngan tempat nu dan aku ambik gambar satu.
Kendian aku pi lak belah belakang dan nampak ada sorang ahli bomba kat atas bangunan tengah nak padam api. Ada la beberapa orang kat situ yang ambik gambar gak macam aku(nak jual kat surat khabar kot). Aku pun apa lagi, ambik lagi satu gambar.
Lepas beberapa minit berlalu, api pun reda dan ahli bomba tu pun keluar ambik angin sebab penat.
Secara tetiba jer, ada letupan berlaku ngan api tetiba keluar dari bangunan belah belakang tu. Semua orang terkejut sakan ngan apa yang terjadi dan orang ramai kembali panik. Aku yang tak suka kepanikan orang lain lantas cabut dari tempat kejadian dan terus pi ke kompleks beli belah. Tak sampai 100 meter aku jalan, aku pusing belakang dan ambik gambar-gambar ni.
Aku pun jalan terus dan tak lama lepas tu sekali lagi aku pandang belakang dan nampak asap warna hitam keluar dari situ. Makin lama makin banyak yang keluar. Aku tau masa tu dah teruk sangat kedai tu terbakar.
Lantas dengan harapan yang orang kat sana takde apa-apa, aku terus jalan ke kompleks beli-belah dan beli sikit barang. Tak lama lepas tu aku pun balik la ke pondok bas sebab aku nak balik ke kolej. Masa dalam perjalanan tu aku singgah balik kat tempat kejadian tu. Aku nampak api dah padam dan dari luar aku nampak yang ini.
Itu yang aku nampak masa tu. Tak tau la apa yang dah jadi lepas aku balik kolej sebab aku tak pernah datang situ lagi. Apa yang jadi pas tu menjadi satu misteri buat aku hingga kini atau hingga ada orang yang bagitau aku.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Something has happen...
1) My pc broke down.
For the last two days I can’t do my work with my pc coz it is broke down. My master hard drive has an error that can’t start the OS. Maybe after I help a friend doing his work using my pc that I broke my hd. After this I swear that I will never help him again in any way regarding my pc. Luckily, all my metadata (in the slave hd) was not gone or I will gone mad. All my work, Anime, comic, Music, Games, etc. Can’t think what will happen if that happen.
2) Name search.
Here is a shock for me. When I search the word 'deetree' using google or yahoo, the result was more then 1500 names. I cant belive my eyes. But not that entire site is regarding me. Only a few that has my own interest on. The other entire website is not mine to get interest.
3) A lousy food.
Tonight is maybe the worst night ever. I have eaten a food that I think is worst than I have ever tasted. 'Nasi Lemak' at one of the stalls in Kuala Lipis. That was supposed to be my dinner for tonight. Actually, the rice is okay, but the 'sambal' is way off course. I can’t think that I will ever eat 'Nasi Lemak' at that stall again. Actually, I am a choosy person when it comes to foods and drinks. When I feel something is not right about a food or drink, I rarely ate them. So, what do I do with the 'Nasi Lemak'? Well, in the end, I just only ate the rice with some fried egg. I leave the 'sambal' unfinished. Hey, it cost me RM1.50 a 'Nasi Lemak' there.
P/S: The words in '###' is in Malay.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Achieve 1000
Take Note: Before you read this, please take notice that this is just some stupid idea from someone who has many thought and ideas. It has nothing to do with the life or the dead. Not all that is being display here is a real fact and you are advise to make your own revision before making any conclusion and take in everything that is being shown here.
Dear diary.
How can people live up to more than 100 years? As anyone know, normally people only to the average of 60 or maybe less, and still decreasing. Over the years, people search and search for a way that can make human live longer. Still, the answer has not been found.
Like I said before, human can only live up to 60. But an unknown researcher stated that a normal human can actually live up to 1000 years. But, like any researcher that stated something extreme, he has been called a mad person. After a few years of research, he has finally unlocked the key to 1000 years of life. But as his research is still a few blocks from completing the puzzle, he dies in his 60's. And like any researcher who likes to be alone, no one is there to complete his theory and research. And his name has been erased from time.
In his research, he has stated that "In the way that need to be given, a path of way need to be open for a life of a thousand years. Only one key is needed to live a thousand, and the rest can just be replaced". And in the other line stated "Human can only catch a few years but can never reach a thousand because the work and the cost is too much. If you have the will to try it don't cause the consequences is messing in the god way. And the curse will hunt you eternally."
So what is the answer anyway? Well, as it turns out to be and has been ever since, the answer is the human brain. I wont go to the details but he has stated that a human brain can actually stay in its shape for more than 1000 years if it is been taking care properly. Without any damage to the brain, humans can achieve 1000 years.
There are a few assumptions that he made. The first assumption is “A brain cannot be replaced like other part in our body”. So, he thinks that if he could preserve the brain in the right way, a thousand is easy to achieve. The second assumption is ”If the brain dies, a person will die as well”. It is because the brain controls everything that is happening in our body. Also, the brain stores knowledge, information, memory, etc. Without a brain, no one will live because all living thing need a brain to live.
His last statement stated “Human greed and ambitions can reach to an unthinkable stage and this is where I don’t want to share my knowledge with anyone even the ones that is close to me. I am scare of what might happen if I share this part of knowledge. Everything I know might as just gone with my name to the grave.”
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Bedroom story
I've already finish rearanging my bedroom to its so call perfect in the eyes. a lot of work I have been doing in order to do it. all my comics have been arange properly, The stuff that I dont want I just throw it in the dustbin (a lot of paper(rubish) involve), the book I dont read I stuff it in one closet, and a bed has been put in there. Oh yeah, it is actually a storeroom for my comic books and other reading material with a closet.The stuff that I hate about this room is that I just put 'mahjong' paper on the wall to hide its ugliness. Well, in the process of the bedroom look as it is right now, I have to rearange the 'citizen' that has been there for more than 2 years. So, when I pull out the biggest off them all (which is actually an old closet that one of my relative gave me), I saw a lot of 'black spot' due to the 'wooden back + water leakage + the timeline it has been there'. Huh. tired after a long hard work.
After a few weeks, I put my pc in this room. So now that I have the pc, I can do a lot more work with it than before. Before this, this pc is in my brother bedroom but for not to disturb him at night when I do my own work, I remove it from his room to this room.
After a few weeks, I put my pc in this room. So now that I have the pc, I can do a lot more work with it than before. Before this, this pc is in my brother bedroom but for not to disturb him at night when I do my own work, I remove it from his room to this room.
Friday, June 03, 2005
R.I.P. and Farewell
On 1st June, one of my close friends father die. Sadly it is for her that she has lost the most important person for her. Just hope that she will stay well and continue to live happily with her family.
-From heart to soul-
Death is absolute,
Running will be futile,
The world we live in will surely die
But our memories still remain,
It will not be depart,
From the heart that we care.
Sadness, Regret, Happy, Joy,
Love and Hate, Hope and Despair,
All the feelings will not leave our mind,
All the memories will not fade trough time.
The World can say anything,
But the memories, will still be in me,
For the rest of my life.
May you Rest In Peace and standing in the gods hand with calm and prosperity.
-From heart to soul-
Death is absolute,
Running will be futile,
The world we live in will surely die
But our memories still remain,
It will not be depart,
From the heart that we care.
Sadness, Regret, Happy, Joy,
Love and Hate, Hope and Despair,
All the feelings will not leave our mind,
All the memories will not fade trough time.
The World can say anything,
But the memories, will still be in me,
For the rest of my life.
May you Rest In Peace and standing in the gods hand with calm and prosperity.
Well, May 31st is my birthday. I usually don't celebrate my own birthday so I rarely aspect any present/gift. What a sad me (isk isk...).OK, the sad part is over.
Today is the launching of this blog. Hurray for me coz this blog is finally finished as it should have. A little late but still, it's okay. He he he...I am just a newbie that doesn't know anything and ready to upgrade myself.
So, what on earth(normally people use the phrase 'what the hell' for this one but since I never been there, yet, so I prefer this phrase, don’t want to go there also) did a newbie like I am sitting in front of a computer and suddenly create this blog? Like I have anything to say/tell everyone about myself and what I do in the past recent days of my life. Maybe I better play games with this pc of mine and just let my free time gone with the wind. Well, the real thing is that I just wanted to try something that I never did before. This blog is the first to come in mind. And also I want to share what is happening in my mind, what I think of this world, question that anyone rarely ask, some ideas, etc. Maybe some of my idea of thinking is too extreme for anyone who has a normal brain but this is what I am.
Well, so much for me that has nothing in the first place.
Today is the launching of this blog. Hurray for me coz this blog is finally finished as it should have. A little late but still, it's okay. He he he...I am just a newbie that doesn't know anything and ready to upgrade myself.
So, what on earth(normally people use the phrase 'what the hell' for this one but since I never been there, yet, so I prefer this phrase, don’t want to go there also) did a newbie like I am sitting in front of a computer and suddenly create this blog? Like I have anything to say/tell everyone about myself and what I do in the past recent days of my life. Maybe I better play games with this pc of mine and just let my free time gone with the wind. Well, the real thing is that I just wanted to try something that I never did before. This blog is the first to come in mind. And also I want to share what is happening in my mind, what I think of this world, question that anyone rarely ask, some ideas, etc. Maybe some of my idea of thinking is too extreme for anyone who has a normal brain but this is what I am.
Well, so much for me that has nothing in the first place.
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